[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 20, 2018

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu Feb 22 13:35:04 EST 2018

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 20, 2018

1. Thia Keppel
   b. SBS, TDIS, PREX2/CREX Collaboration meetings this week
   c. Senior Staff Meeting
     i. Last chance for open enrollment!
     ii. Voluntary separation 2/21 this week to change your mind, ~20 people so far
     iii. Safety flash in e-mail
         1. Last April was last recordable incident – this one was cafeteria worker hands burned in steam
     iv. Property Validation
         1. 1.5 weeks left!
         2. Get this done!
     v. LDRD coming out (call for proposals)
     vi. Trying to create an EIC area in F-Wing near old 12GeV area. Will effect a few users
     vii. Friday is the budget briefing
         1. 2 Scenarios
            a. Flat 18-19 + COL (Bad for JLab)
            b. Proposed 
     viii. Tomorrow (2/21/18) the Secretary will visit:
         1. Meet BEAMS students
         2. Lunch with lab leadership
         3. Tour: MCC, Hall B, Hall D, test lab, computer center
         4. Talk at 4:15 in auditorioum
     ix. President’s Budget is out:
         1. No ~50 page guidance attached
         2. Not so terrible….
         3. Office of Science flat with respect to FY18 CR
         4. ONP $620M - $$600M
         5. Everyone but computing down (up $250M for exascale)
         6. HEP, BER fusion did worse than nuclear
         7. Keep running science!
     x.Open House May 19th  
     xi.EIC News:
         1. Pion and Kaon pdf web-based fitter now available
         2. Also detector simulation container available with tutorial for users
         3. New JLab EIC web page coming

2. Robin Wines
   a. SBS
     i. Continue on assembly parts and back frame for ECal
     ii. Reviewed floor plate layout for GMn 
     iii. Continue on polarized 3He target
   b. APEX
     i. Continue on carriage support design to be used for PREX/CREX also
     ii. Q1 filler plates in procurement 
     iii. Beamline shielding in procurement (for Fall Tritium run also)
     i. Continue on vacuum chambers and shielding support 
   d. Prep for collaboration meetings

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Work with Al Gavalya on new design for pivot stand that will be used for APEX & PREX
   b. Worked with Robin and Shipping & Receiving on scheduling SBS counterweight steel shipment
   c. Worked with Shipping & Receiving on HCal module delivery
   d. Worked on list of cryo maintenance that needs to be completed during the summer down
   e. Finish calibrating the remaining mass flow meters
   f. Worked with members of the software group to troubleshoot a problem with cannel access to our controls 
           outside the accelerator fence
   g. Worked on list of vacuum maintenance that needs to be done during the summer down
   h. Fabricated mounting block for ice management heaters
   i. Continue doing maintenance on machine shop tools in building 98
   j. Worked on calibrating mass flow meters
   k. Worked on setting up PID loops in the cryogenic system
   l. Installed shim material on HCal assembly in Test Lab

4. Run Coordinator – Eric Fuchey

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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