[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 22, 2018
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Fri May 25 10:55:14 EDT 2018
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 22, 2018
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff Meeting
i. Funding (still tight)
1. 1/12 of flat budget is what we’ve been getting monthly – in June will get new budget?
2. Should get additional funds in July @ the latest
3. For now, keep spending moving but also stay lean – have requisitions ready for end of summer
ii. The NPES schedule is out!
iii. LDRD – 12 proposals received
iv. INFN dignitary – visit tomorrow (will look @ SBS GEMs)
v. Under – Secretary visit successful
vi. Open House “fantastic”
1. 3,000 people in accelerator (counted)
2. 4,500 – 5,000 total estimate
3. All parking lots filled @ some point
4. Hall A tent/activities very nice
vii. Next Tuesday HUGS start!
1. 63 apps! 39 students coming (a record)
viii. June…?…annual storage extension request coming
ix. Another end station power out tonight (A & B)
x. Accelerator & Cryo maintenance activities ongoing
1. No major surprises, seems ok so far
2. Maintenance was clearly needed
xi. Next week meeting of cryo group & MOLLER target group
xii. EIC news:
1. Π/K Workshop @ CUA
2. NAS report still just “a few weeks away”….joint JLab/BNL EICUG statement preparation
2. Robin Wines
a. Prex/Crex/Apex- completed part of drawings for septum support
i. Continue on carriage parts, completed concept for Prex target support-sending to Dave Meekins
ii. Continue on shielding support.
b. BigBite detector frame- hardware came in
c. HRS detectors
i. Modification design to put in second Aerogel complete and submitted to machine shop
d. SBS detector
i. Analysis on GEM frames
3. Jessie Butler
a. Spent majority of this week working on warming up the magnets and cryo system in the Hall.
b. During the warmup we are monitoring the system for contamination.
c. We've also shut down most of our vacuum pumps and began doing maintenance and changing pump oil.
d. For the upcoming weeks there will be much of the same.
4. Featured Speaker – Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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