[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 18, 2018

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu Sep 20 14:03:26 EDT 2018

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 18, 2018

1. Thia Keppel
   a. Accelerator
     i. Tune beam through NL, not south yet
     ii. Test for obstruction today
   b. Searching for new CASA Director
     i. Mike Spata Deputy for Accelerator
   c. Back in normal non-hurricane mode
   d. HR circulated partial retirement information
     i. A new policy, no deadline
   e. EIC
     i. Final NAS report is out
       1. Our comments on COM energy ~20-100 Gev  ~20 to ~100 accepted
   f. Budget
     i. Not signed yet by President
     ii. $690M FY19 
   g. All supervisors mandatory meeting coming in ~ a month to discuss safety culture

2. Robin Wines
   a. APEX
     i. Septum installation fixture cane in & had to be repainted
     ii. Placed order with machine shop for septum support feet
     iii. Sent out status update request to check readiness/progress
     i. Continue on shielding and shielding supports
     ii. Resubmitted dump concrete shielding to procurement (construction contract)
   c. SBS
     i. Continue on vertical supports

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Will send e-mail about counting house training one day this week
   b. Continued to work on getting hall ready to receive beam
   c. Worked with Installation Group on installing and pumping down the exit beam line
   d. Exit beam line has already been surveyed and aligned and the Installation Group will finish buttoning up 
           the dump area on Monday 9/17
   e. Moved RHRS to the starting angle and completed the pointing survey
   f. New Tritium cell came on Monday evening and was loaded into the storage container on Tuesday
   g. Helped Jack with modifying plates needed for the gas Cherenkov as well as help to install the Cherenkov 
           in the detector stack
   h. DC Power completed HCA of the hall on Wednesday evening
   i. Preparing hall and Physics Storage parking lot for HPC-2 conditions
   j. Sandbag and secure the roll-up door to the hall

4. Jack Segal
   a. Cerenkov installed last week, powering magnets currently
   b. Cabling Between Spectrometers
     i. Cables coiled up on right side of 2nd level rack, ready for use.
     ii. Checked a number of the Thinnet cable BNC connectors in the patch panels, none seem loose.    
     iii. HRS Fiber Patch Panels (Connection to BCM Receiver in Labyrinth)
     iv. Will contact John Musson / Scott Wyndham about installing card then connect fiber. 
     v. Continued with HV box bracket installation on HCAL detector frame 
     vi. Repair of fan units for use with NIM bins for DAQ
     vii. Continued relay rack outfitting. Student installed NIM bins, fans, power in some racks, more work to 
                  be done including overhead cabling support for use in Hall A
     viii. Transfer 160V pulser boxes to new location when ready, still discussing mounting details.
     ix. Replaced a (3) fan unit with a recently refurbished spare
     x. Removed old fan from hall after Radcon check, repaired. (Problem was only buzzing metal chassis, but 
                  new fans were needed anyway they appeared to have a lot of run time).
   c. LeCroy HV Crate - Beamline HV (Moeller, etc)
     i. Unit that was removed from rack needs to be overhauled and tagged as spare. (Original configuration 
                  LeCroy, not RPi modified. Maybe upgrade in future). 
     ii. Picked up CAEN fan tray unit from Radcon shelf, replaced all (3) fans.
     iii. Tagged and ready for use but needs to be tested in CAEN crate before storage

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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