[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 22, 2019

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Tue Feb 5 10:28:05 EST 2019

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 22, 2019

1.      Thia Keppel

a.       Collaboration Meetings A/C Mon - Thurs!

b.      Senior Staff Meeting: Next week - no weekly meeting or short meeting

                                                              i.      2/19 Budget briefing preparations

1.      2 scenarios: (i) COL, and (ii) request

                                                            ii.      PAC Tables to be updated for impact slides (# experiment days completed)

1.      Also for collaboration meetings, formal update in April

                                                          iii.      1/29 CEBAF Energy low

1.      Struggling now for one linac

                                                          iv.      Ramping up EIC efforts

                                                            v.      2K cold box meeting installation review not yet closed out, finalizing planning

                                                          vi.      We (the lab) received 78% of funding for this year

                                                        vii.      EIC User Board elections:

1.      John Arrington, Marco R., Christine Adala (Chair) & Andrea Brossam (Vice Chair)

c.       Hall A news

                                                              i.      Collaboration meeting next week

                                                            ii.      APEX

1.      On track

2.      Pumping down MOLLER polarimeter too

                                                          iii.      PREX2/CREX shielding in process

                                                          iv.      SBS - Gen pol experiment (attached to GMn) status meeting

                                                            v.      Pol 3He target meeting next week

                                                          vi.      MOLLER/SoLID Director Review

1.      Costing exercise underway - series of MOLLER magnet meetings

2.      Robin Wines

a.       PREX2/CREX

                                                              i.      Completed concrete drawings and assemblies

                                                            ii.      Going into procurement

                                                          iii.      Made drawings for plastic shielding modification

                                                          iv.      Vacuum chambers expected in early February

                                                            v.      Sieve and holder being fabricated

b.      SBS

                                                              i.      Working on CDet frame and assembly

c.       Preparing for SoLID and MOLLER reviews

3.      Jessie Butler

a.       Continue working on APEX installation

b.      Pumped down and leak checked the entrance beam line

c.       Turned on LCW to APEX septum, Q1 and corrector magnets

d.      Mounted the target motioning system on top of chamber and began to test target movement

e.       Worked with Survey & Alignment to survey target position prior to starting pump down

f.        Began pumping down chamber, extension box and both spectrometers

g.      Continue installing power leads between magnet and power supply in preparation to begin powering on the magnet late next week

h.      The installation is a little behind (~2 days) because we were delayed in getting target into right position to be surveyed

4.      Jack Segal

a.       APEX Target Work

                                                              i.      Target plate attached to weldment and transport in hall, inserted into target chamber

                                                            ii.      Installation of Installation of APEX target foils: optics carbon, tungsten wires, production carbon and production tungsten. Installation was done inside the target chamber

                                                          iii.      Feedthru wiring for RTD temperature sensors, routed wires up through feedthru from target plate, connected pins on inside and sealed. Ethan completed outer cable connector assembly. Qty (4) RTDs installed on tungsten target tensioner frames - one on spring side one on solid side, sensors on frame #1 and #10 (first and last). Initial survey performed, more to follow after pump down test. Chamber front window to be removed for survey.

                                                          iv.      VDC HV - resistor modification for APEX running completed

                                                            v.      Resistor chains modified in both L-HRS and R-HRS VDC HV input, Bogdan selected resistor values to be used.

                                                          vi.      Labeled and kept original resistor network circuits in case they need to be restored to previous configuration.

                                                        vii.      Magnet On Signs for APEX Magnets - double sided sign to be installed above APEX magnet on newly installed unistrut.

                                                      viii.      Power supply installed (24V) in magnet power supply cabinet.

                                                          ix.      Cabling to be run to pivot arm patch panel, then from panel behind blocks to power supply cabinet.

                                                            x.      Found -5.2V power supply bad in Fastbus rack, replaced. (Bob Michaels log entry).

Stephanie Tysor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Physics Division
Hall A Administrative Assistant
(office)757-269-6005<callto:757-269-6005> (fax)757-269-5235<callto:757-269-5235>

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