[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 5, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu May 7 16:45:23 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 5, 2020

  1.  Thia Keppel
     *   Senior Staff

                                                    i.     Visa, green card situation still unclear

                                                  ii.     Okay (or easier anyway) if you’re in the U.S.

                                                iii.     Trickier to get here, get new visa…..

                                                iv.     Expedited procedures not in place

     *   Resumption of activities – no date yet

                                                    i.     Not a “restart” as we’ve been operating, need preparation

                                                  ii.     Some labs have started some activities toward resumption level

                                                iii.     Need both Virginia and DOE guidance – High approval is needed

                                                iv.     Likely synchronized between laboratories

                                                  v.     Expect daily health certification of some sort (may be honor system)

                                                vi.     Expect a training course to come on site

                                               vii.     Our staff have been good about self-reporting

                                             viii.     Accelerator has internal plan to start up posted - this is a preparatory exercise and not the lab plan

     *   Expect mix of telework and on-site at start

                                                    i.     Policy under development

     *   Usage of PHE

                                                    i.     Physics doing generally well, keep up the good work trying to keep work progressing

                                                  ii.     Also, effective at staying off site – thanks for working with us on this!

     *   Feedback from tax firm on first round of new hires

                                                    i.     Supervisor form required, verify 100% remote possible

                                                  ii.     May 18th, June 1st, June 16sth start dates

                                                iii.     There will be more scrutiny on supervisors

           *   Priority on date, critical nature, ease of remote work, etc.

     *   9/22 – 24 MOLLER CD-1 review
     *   9/9 – 10 EIC CD-1 mini-review, actual CD-1 review 1/26-28/21

                                                    i.     EIC OPC activities started

                                                  ii.     Lab has set up internal EIC organization, should come out soon (all staff email), awaiting DOE approval – based on Jlab/BNL partnership agreement

                                                iii.     Detector, Interaction Jlab Region, Electronics, Accelerator…..

     *   LDRD pre-proposals in.
     *   Director of Center for Nuclear Femtography (new position) to be based at SURA
     *   Isgur Fellowship Experimental Candidate chosen

                                                    i.     Dien Nguyen (UVA PhD • ••••••••• MIT PD) accepted and need to onboard

                                                  ii.     Theory also chosen, waiting for accelerator - lab wants to announce all three formally

     *   EIC Fellowships

                                                    i.     19 applications (including 6 women)

                                                  ii.     Selection (3 postdocs + 2-3 graduate students) by end of month

  1.  Robin Wines
     *   SBS

                                                    i.     continue on ECal support structure

        *   LCW- continue on hangers, support weldments and manifolds
        *   install & alignment planning- resolved design of tower support to floor, resolved tower connect to extension, meetings with alignment, produced alignment points , continue on cryogen disconnect of HRS-BR
        *   started Hodoscope support to reinforce light guides
        *   ordered other beamline parts
        *   working with vendors on GEn-RP assemblies, ordered more parts for JLab assembly
        *   started planning of Facilities work in Hall

     *   SoLID- started piping/cryo connect design for TestLab coil testing, updating images for upcoming meetings
     *   MOLLER- reviewed KPPs and installation plans
  1.  Jessie Butler
     *   Worked on SBS scheduling and FML work planning.
     *   Continue working on MOLLER risk-activity mapping.
     *   Continue cryo training with Heidi/Travis.
     *   Continue to monitor the cryo system remotely.
     *   Continue working on procedures and review drawings for SBS installation
  2.  Jack Segal
     *   Ethan looking at some online courses and working on some I2C chips with the RPi.
     *   Three new Hall C gas cylinder pallets assembled and the cylinders organized.
     *   Cut off the eight screws in the concrete pad that were a serious trip hazard
     *   Mindy Leffel picked up parts for the NPS jumper cables.
  3.  Featured Talks: Jian-Peng Chen – SoLID Pre-R&D Plan and Progress

                              Robert Michaels - Very Preliminary  Analysis Update PREX  and  CREX

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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