[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 29, 2020
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Mon Oct 26 09:30:44 EDT 2020
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 29, 2020
1. Thia Keppel
* Hall A announcements
* GMn, Gen-RP, nTPE, WApi to become one run group
* Patrizia: would like concise list of runplan/configurations
* GEn ERR 10/22
* Need agenda & wiki page ASAP!
* Also be ready for standard equipment update – put info on wiki
* Senior Staff Meeting
* PAC48
* Last week – jeopardy of Halls B,D
* All but RG-C & RG-D endorsed. There were other experiments with time reduced but still approved
* 2 cases last week, 1 positive & 1 presumptive positive
* Caused 2nd floor EEL cleaning/closing will re-open 9/30
* Goal: No PHE by 10/1
* Submit timesheets TODAY
* 9/28 – 9/29 EIC Detector Advisory Committee Meeting
* Preliminary design of CRE (CEBAF Renovation Expansion) project
* Briefing last week, high-level work & design
* Will have ARC space now too (in addition to CEBAF Center expansion)
* Work to start 2022, 2023 for Physics, 2025 completion
* Vacation donation program in place
* LDRD decisions soon
* APS Fellow announced,
* 4 JLab related:
* Barbara Pasquini
* Roger Carlini
* Congrats Roger!
* Dave Richards
* Ashot Gasparian
* Rouven Essig
* Also: American Vacuum Society Fellow
* Marcy Stutzman
2. Robin Wines
* Working on ECal platform and analysis to allow lifting fully assembled with ECal
* Pressure system documents for LCW
* Window test procedure for GMn windows
* Welding on clamshells for scattering chamber is about 50% complete
* Completed analysis of GEn platforms
* Updated drawings of beamline assembly
* Checked BB field clamp support modifications
* Ready to order BB sieve plate holder and few other assembly parts
* Working on gas bottle frame, working on cryo can disconnect, confirming layouts for all experiments.
* Checking target to collimator distance
* Prep for review, working on PION donut frame analysis, working on layout of shielding
* Reviewing welding documentation for CCR and continue on coil test preparations
3. Jessie Butler
* Complete radiation survey
* Complete post-beam checklist
* Shutdown magnets and power supplies
* Bleed up spectrometers and exit beam line
* Warm up target – Target Group
* Begin moving LCW parts into hall
* Shutdown in-hall portion of LCW and begin draining system.
* Clear Moller Polarimeter equipment for LCW work (with Ethan)
* Remove PREX/CREX detector from shield hut (collaboration is doing the work) sched. for 9/25
* Drill holes to mount switch to bogie push guards
* Clear area in front of Physics storage to establish staging area
* Move LCW floor manifold stand to Hall
* Remove Moller magnet platform from Hall
* Install new Moller magnet platform
* Move RADCON shelf and cabinet under entrance beamline platform
* Remove Tritium exhaust near LCW valves
* Clear area on left side of hall for electricians to change lights
* Machine 4 inch caps to weld as temp. Closure of LCW
* Pour concrete pad for new switch gear (Contractors)
4. Jack Segal
* Repair of VME Crate Power Supply - R-HRS
* Repair of trigger supervisor crate power supply in R-HRS.
* Replacement of (2) Vicor modules supplying +5V.
* All backplane voltages checked, all ok.
* Notified group to resume cosmics tests. (log entry earlier this week)
* BigBite Timing Hodoscope – Rebuild
* Began assembly of PMT base including mounting collet. Developing sequence of assembly to assure correct mating of PMT to light guide inside assembly.
* Working to finish (5) complete assemblies including PMTs mounted and black Tedlar wrap.
* Discussed re-use of Glasgow shrink tubing parts, eliminates use of heat around light guides.
* Plans for installation of new aluminum cross bar support designed by Albert and Bogdan, creates rigid assembly extending to both sides of each scintillator bar.
* Cutting area for Mylar and Tedlar set up and in use, issues with rotary cutter resolved.
* SBS - BigBite Preshower Detector
* Still waiting for steel shims so that re-stacking can resume.
* SBS - Shower and Preshower Blocks - sent to offsite storage.
* Arranged transport of (4) wood crates in Test Lab to Warwick storage.
* Request started in March, followed up to have completed.
* BigBite DAQ Fastbus - Plans to Replace w/VXS (Mark Jones)
* Plans to replace existing Fastbus crate, VXS with FADC instead of Fastbus.
* Weldment currently has (2) FASTBUS crates and (2) power supplies, will be removed and staged as spares for ECAL or CDET.
* INFN GEMs - upcoming cable tray work
* Received new cable tray cutter, will eliminate need to file after cutting. We need to make (8) trays to replace existing plastic trays.
* Magnet On Signs
* Continued fabrication of signs, most need bezels and mounting block to complete.
* Gas Shed - Switch to UHP Nitrogen
* Argon cylinders replaced with UHP nitrogen, CO2 and Ethane turned off.
* Plans to flush Ethane lines when low pressure nitrogen cylinder available
* Gas flow to UVa GEMs to continue until removal and transport to EEL cleanroom.
* Request by UVa for Supplies for GEM Construction
* Ordered items requested by UVa for upcoming GEM wiring in EEL 124 cleanroom. (Wire, soldering accessories and tips, mounting tape for wiring blocks).
* Compton Fiber Amplifier - move to ARC lab
* Request by Dave Gaskell to relocate old fiber amplifier to ARC lab, currently on 2nd floor counting house. (lids removed, might need to be assembled before moving. Caution sign inside about glass)
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab
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