[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 1, 2020

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Mon Oct 26 09:29:17 EDT 2020

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 1, 2020
1. Thia Keppel
     a. Senior Staff
        i. MOLLER OPA review moved to 10/13 – 10/15
        ii. SAD 9/20 – 6/21
          1. Compile list of staff, user tasks, essential tasks
          2. Assume MEDCON5 current state continuing
        iii. EIC
           1. 2 advisory committee meetings last week, project & machine
        iv. UITF
           1. Formal DOE approval for operations issued
           2. Reached 8 MeV, plan this week for 9.5 MeV (HD-Ice need)
           3. LCLS-II & UITF (Cryo) conflict under discussion
        v. Budget
           1. DOE acknowledged Research short fall, might provide ~$1M in September
        vi. COVID portal
           1. Recommend masks - not bandanas
       vii. Reassessment of Safety Controls
       viii. AI Town Meeting last Friday successful

2. Robin Wines
    a. SBS
       i. Completed analysis of corrugated beamline connection
       ii. Analyzing platforms for polarized 3He target
       iii. Completed analysis of ECal platform
       iv. Working on drawing details of ECal platform
       v. Working on drawing details of corrugated beamline connection
       vi. Reviewing parts for installation
       vii. Reviewing requirements for other/next SBS experiments
       viii. Few more items to purchase this FY
    b. MOLLER
      i. Preparing for Director’s Review
      ii. Started on Pion donut frame design
      iii. Reviewing GEM frame design
      iv. Working on schedule for shielding work
    c. SoLID
i. Completing test spool drawings
ii. Working on magnet controls and test layout

3. Jessie Butler
    a. Continue fabricating parts for LCW water manifold platform and test fitting the shielding on SBS exit beam line.
    b. Continue cleaning up our area of Physics Storage and the TED.
    c. We continue to support the experiment and entered the hall twice during the week.
    d. We went in during an access on Tuesday to troubleshoot the left-side hall camera.
    e. It was determined that the camera has died and will be replaced during the SAD.
    f. We entered the hall on Friday during the access to check systems and stack additional shielding on R-HRS power supply platform.
    g. Continue reviewing drawings from design and engineering staff

4. Run Coordinator Report – Don Jones

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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