[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 8, 2021

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Fri Jun 11 14:40:23 EDT 2021

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: June 8, 2021

SoLID Collaboration Meeting June 10-11
MOLLER Collaboration Meeting June 15-17
Hall A/C Collaboration Meeting July 8-9
Thia, news from Senior Staff

  1.  EIC Project Management Risk Committee recommended to proceed to CD1

  2.  Accelerator – Beam commissioning on going
     *   Sudden power outage over weekend, all being repaired now
     *   Prep for UITF repairing for Test Lab task force

  3.  Engineering
     *   Cold box has started for run in fall

  4.  HUGS underway, virtual meeting seems to work

  5.  EH&S
     *   Transitioning to MEDCON4
     *   62% staff is vaccinated
     *   See Stewarts all-hands memo
     *   SAF003 must be taken before going on site
     *   Virtual work at home should continue, can not just show up on site, on-site work will need to be approved in advance by supervisor
     *   Users will need to be on the approved list before coming to the lab – request cc’ing  Hall leader to Walt Alkers
     *   New on-site users will need to go through the training (staff too)

  6.  “Bite size” talks are going well with good attendance

  7.  PAC preparations
     *   6 new proposals, 1 run group addition, 1 C2 proposal, 4 LOIs, 10 proposals in jeopardy
     *   First meeting tomorrow for TAC reports
  8.  13 LDRD proposals submitted

  9.  FY22 capital equipment planning
     *   Hall A – Solid magnet and TDIS electronics
     *   Hall B – transverse DNP target, HILR1T
     *   Hall C – CPS, HIPPOL
     *   Hall D – forward calorimeter, K Long design,
     *   Division - LHEDWR to provide cryo stability, CRYTUR crystals for calorinetry

Robin Wines

     *   SBS cat walk assembly in, working on that
     *   Target claim shell pieces out to procurement
     *   GEM detectors assembly help
     *   BigBite assembly, lead and BigBite lead out
     *   Survey of floor in Hall into CAD system
     *   MOLLER interface control documents done
     *   Shielding design work to show at MOLLER collaboration meeting
     *   SOLID magnet work continues

Jessie Butler

     *   Bring detectors into hall, transition into bunker
     *   Exit beam line tower built
     *   Vacuum system, cleanup - parallel solution approach
     *   Layout in Hall needs to be looked at
     *   Target chamber window being looked at
     *   Disassemble the racks-transition into bunker
     *   Air handling unit replacement schedule needs adjustment
     *   Hard hats are recommended to bring at all times to the Hall

Safety – New COVID OSP to sign, no link yet

JP Chen – Please go to website for SoLID collaboration meeting to join – open to all, review of new proposals on Friday

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A/C Administrative Assistant
Physics Division
Jefferson Lab

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