[Hallc_running] Documentation - please read and sign

Dave Gaskell gaskelld at jlab.org
Wed Nov 29 10:10:35 EST 2017

Hi everyone -

Before your first shift for the upcoming run, please read the relevant 
run/safety documentation.  This includes:

1. The Conduct of Operations (COO)
2. Experiment Safety Assessment Document (ESAD)
3. Radiation Safety Assessment Document (RSAD)
4. Emergency Response Guidlines (ERG)

All these documents can be found on the Hall C web page:


There is also a binder in the Counting House with these documents as 
well as a signature sheet, indicating you have read and understood all 
the documentation.  Please sign the sheet in the binder once you have 
read all of the above (and before your first shift).


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