[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] Hall C Status Update, mantainance Day today, and no meeting today

billlee at jlab.org billlee at jlab.org
Mon Sep 27 10:15:01 EDT 2021

Logentry Text:
Dear Collaborators,

This is to give you a quick update on the current Hall C status and outlook.

Current status: Hall is being surveyed and will enter restricted access very soon. Bill Gunning and Steve Lassiter will enter the Hall to resolve the Raster magnet and HMS Dipole NMR lock issue. I will also enter the hall and attempt to reboot the SHMS rotation camera.

Regarding the accelerator update from this morning: 1. Tuesday beam study is off the table; 2. Breaker replacement availability will become clear at 3 pm today; 3. A cable to "by-pass"  the problematic breaker is being made today, and could be installed tomorrow to allow Hall C to run 5th pass beam (note that at this configuration Hall D could not run).

The key takeaway is that: regardless of the breaker replacement status, we will be back and running tomorrow by the end of the day shift. 

Leader shift is canceled until tomorrow's day shift (28/Sep/2021, 8:00 am), target operator shifts remain unchanged

Many thanks


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