[Hallc_running] [New Logentry] RC update (28th April 2024)

dhamilto at jlab.org dhamilto at jlab.org
Sun Apr 28 09:35:01 EDT 2024

Logentry Text:
RC update (28th April 2024)

Data-taking for the KinC_x60_2 setting continues to go smoothly this weekend. We collected 18.5 ABUs since the last update. The machine has had some issues but there has not been any major downtime.

The plan is remains unchanged:  LH2 target fan frequency study tomorrow, change to KinC_x36_4 on Tuesday and maintenance day on Wednesday. If anyone has anything they need to do in the hall on Wednesday please let me know.

There will be no RC meeting today.


This is a plain text email for clients that cannot display HTML.  The full logentry can be found online at https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4290963
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