[Halld-cpp] [EXTERNAL] RC report for the week June 23-29

Naomi Jarvis nsj at cmu.edu
Wed Jun 29 16:41:13 EDT 2022

Dear Collaborators,

My report for the week is below.  The detailed day to day notes are at

Best regards,

This was a trying week for the accelerator, with 9h of downtime due to
thunderstorms, and many more hours of downtime while the accelerator team
tried to fix persistent problems in getting Hall C to the current that they
need.  We received beam for 60h and did pretty well with that time - we
lost only 3h to DAQ issues, 1h to attend to a power supply problem for BCAL
and another 3h to planned configuration changes (moving radiators or the

Tasks completed in the week include the TAC run, refining the CPP trigger
configuration, creating a straight track trigger configuration, changing
FCAL bases, completing the microscope HV scan, and replacing the faulty
transducer in the DIRC.  MCC power cycled the harp 5C11 which enabled us to
take useful harp scans once again.  We still have a problem with the beam
convergence and this morning the accelerator was unable to run with our
amorphous radiator in place, it caused trips.

The event rate dropped by about 50% in the forward detectors for a short
period of time after the TAC run.  On Monday evening we took a short series
of runs with the target removed and re-inserted to investigate this, and
after the target retraction the rates returned to their original value.
 The cause of the drop in rates is not yet understood.
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