[Halld-cpp] FMWPC first test

Beni Zihlmann zihlmann at jlab.org
Fri Mar 25 10:32:46 EDT 2022

Hi All,

I did a first test of looking at the signals of the FMWPC. To be more 
precise chamber 2 (second most upstream chamber)
looking at signals from the lowest connector and second lowest connector 
(in y)
attached are a few scope plots that show the behavior of the chamber in 
different conditions:
tek00000.png: signal cable connected NO LV applied
tek00001.png: signal cable connected +/- 5V on the chamber
tek00005.png: same but with different timing scale (horiz. axis) looking 
at lower frequencies

there is significant noise  coming in burst like we have seen in the EEL.

there is an easy way to reduce that noise significantly by making an 
electric connection between
the connector on the chamber and the aluminum shield housing.
this can be seen in
tek00008.png: see change in the vertical axis of the trigger.

As stated earlier providing a good electrical contact between the 
connector on the chamber and the shield
housing will reduce the noise significantly. I talked to Mark Stevens 
and Chris Blackburn to use the threaded
bolt holes on the ends of the connector to make a "electric bridge" 
between the connectors and the shield
housing. As additional side effect this will also fix the PCB board more 
rigid in place and avoid unnecessary
bending to  the sides when connecting the cables.


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