[Jlabsa_gs] JLab: Watch for, Heed Radiological Postings in TEDF Buildings - A Message from Mary Logue

Jan Prater prater at jlab.org
Mon Oct 28 16:44:46 EDT 2013

Se nt on behalf of Mary Logue, Associate Director of Jefferson Lab's Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Division 

While nearly all construction associated with the Test Lab and Test Lab Addition (Bldg. 58) and the Technology and Engineering Development Building (Bldg. 55) has been completed, not all areas have been posted for radiological concerns. The Jefferson Lab Radiation Control Department will soon begin marking these areas to clearly identify radiological conditions. 

All lobby, office and meeting spaces will remain open to anyone with a Jefferson Lab badge. However, the rest of the Test Lab, Test Lab Addition and Technology and Engineering Development Building will be posted as Controlled Areas, requiring GERT training or the accompaniment of a trained escort to enter. These include labs, areas of the high bays and technical work spaces. Please pay special attention to the new or existing Radiation Control postings on doors, around specific work activities, in storage areas and on safety bulletin boards. 

Additionally, there may also be other radiological postings within the GERT-posted areas (i.e. Radioactive Material, Radiologically Controlled Area, etc.). Please be mindful of these impending changes and govern yourself and visitors accordingly. If necessary, talk with your supervisor to have your training record updated to include the level of training you need to access and use these areas. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Radiation Control Department cell phone: 757-876-1743 . 

The web page version of this message contains graphics. You can access the web page here: https://www.jlab.org/memo/watch-heed-radiological-postings-tedf-buildings 

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