[Jlabsa_gs] LBNL Physics Job Announcement

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Oct 29 08:33:50 EDT 2013

Physics Division, LBNL, Berkeley, California

Career-track or Career Staff Scientist

The Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
has an opening for a Staff Scientist to work half-time in the Particle
Data Group (PDG, http://pdg.lbl.gov ) and half-time on research in one
of the Physics Division programs (see http://physics.lbl.gov ).

The Physics Division conducts world-leading research in the
Energy, Intensity and Cosmic frontiers. The PDG publishes the
biennial Review of Particle Physics.

The appointment may be at either the career or career-track level
(a career-track appointment carries the expectation of promotion to
career based on significant accomplishments in both research and PDG).

For more information and How to Apply:
Please create a profile and submit the requested application materials.
Note applications can only be made via this Academic Jobs Online URL:

For inquiries please contact Juerg Beringer ( jberinger at lbl.gov ).

For full consideration, all application materials must be submitted
by January 3, 2014.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is an Affirmative Action and
Equal Opportunity Employer committed to the development of a diverse
workplace. We are located in the hills above the UC Berkeley Campus.
We offer competitive salaries and an outstanding benefits package.
For further information on the Lab and benefits please visit our
website at http://www.lbl.gov .

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