[Jlabsa_gs] Tour guides needed- A message from Lorelei

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Fri Jun 13 13:44:42 EDT 2014

Jefferson Lab has a Graduate Student Tour Program which is funded by the JSA Initiatives Fund. The goal of the program is to have the graduate students engage and help with tours at Jefferson Lab that will strengthen their public speaking skills and knowledge of the facilities at Jefferson Lab. The students will get the experience they need for future knowledge and into their careers and Public Affairs will have personnel that can assist on tours as either a speaker or an escort. Upon the proper training, students can become escorts on tours and once familiar with a facility, do tours. Escorts and guides will be compensated for each tour at the tune of $30 per escort and $50 per speaker per tour.

If interested, please email Lorelei at: lorelei at jlab.org

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