[Jlabsa_gs] Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics- A message from Nicholas Zachariou

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Jun 19 13:20:03 EDT 2014

Frontiers and Careers in Photonuclear Physics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

August 7-9, 2014


Chair: Nicholas Zachariou (nicholas at jlab.org <mailto:nicholas at jlab.org>) 
University of South Carolina

European Chair: Wim Cosyn (wim.cosyn at ugent.be 
<mailto:wim.cosyn at ugent.be>) Gent University


To register click /here/ 
<http://www.physics.sc.edu/%7Efrontiers2014/Site/Welcome.html> and 
complete the form.  The registration deadline is June 30^th . As quite a 
number of people have already expressed their interest in attending, 
registering early is recommended.  If we reach full capacity before the 
registration deadline, a waiting list will be made. The website has been 
updated with further travel and location information. Please see below 
for details regarding the Registration fee and updates regarding lodging 
options for Saturday night. *We will be contacting participants via 
email for collecting registration fees.*//

*DESCRIPTION*: The conference aims to bring together nuclear and 
particle physics Ph.D. students and post-docs to discuss research and 
career perspectives in a friendly environment. The participants will be 
given a chance to present their research during oral presentation 
sessions. There will also be panel discussions with leading experts, 
focusing on how to effectively build out a career in the field, The goal 
is to address important aspects of a young scientist's career beyond 
research, such as creating an effective curriculum vitae and effectively 
interviewing for positions. The meeting will introduce young researchers 
to some of their peers from different parts of the world and provide 
them with information, opportunities, and guidance on prospective career 

The conference is modeled on the recent successful program of Gordon 
Research Seminars associated with Gordon Research Conferences, but it is 
independent of the Gordon Research Conferences organization. The 
conference does immediately precede the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 
on Photonuclear Reactions and aims to increase attendance and 
involvement of young scientists in the GRC.

*FORMAT AND SCHEDULE*:  The Conference starts on Thursday, August 7, 
2014 with a reception at 6 PM followed by talks. The program on Friday 
August 8 will follow a format similar to the GRC, having a 3-hour 
morning and 3-hour after dinner plenary sessions. The afternoon is free 
for participants to either take part in planned excursions or to engage 
in their own activities. The conference will end on Saturday, August 9 
after a morning session and early afternoon panel discussion.

*KEY DATE: Registration Deadline June 30, 2014*

*REGISTRATION FEE*: The Conference Registration fee is set at $150. It 
will cover food, drinks, and conference supplies. More info on how to 
pay will be sent out to registered participants prior the meeting. Dorm 
rooms at MIT will be available for participants from Thursday August 
7^to Saturday, August 9, 2014. The rates for rooms at MIT are 
$69/Single-occupancy room and  $46.50/double-occupancy room per person.  
For Saturday night lodging options, see below.

*SATURDAY NIGHT ROOM OPTIONS*: Participants who will be attending the 
GRC will need to make their own accommodation plans for Saturday night.

As accommodation in Boston during a summer weekend can get quite 
expensive, we have options on several rooms (doubles and triples, 20 
beds total) at the 40Berkeley hotel <http://www.40berkeley.com/>, 
located in downtown Boston and easily reachable from MIT.  If you are 
interested in taking one of the available spots for Saturday night, you 
can indicate this on the registration form. Final prices haven't been 
set yet but current estimates are $75 for a bed in a double room and $55 
for a bed in a triple room.

GRC participants can also get discounted rates from two hotels in the 
Boston area. More info can be found at: http://www.grc.org/sites.aspx?id=2

*FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE*: *If you need financial assistance please 
indicate this when registering. We have resources to support 
participants attending our seminar and we will contact you individually. 
The support will be in the form of reimbursement.*

*LOCATION*: The conference will take place at MIT. The plenary sessions 
and panel discussions will be held in the Kolker Room at the Laboratory 
of nuclear science and attendees will be rooming at the MIT dorms.

*WEBSITE*:  Info about the conference will be posted at: 

Please check back for updates on deadlines and updates.

*OTHER INFO*: The Gordon Research Conferences offers bus transportation 
(for a fee) from Boston Logan Airport to the Photonuclear Reactions GRC 
in Holderness, NH on Sunday, August 10.

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