[Jlabsa_gs] **Today** Pizza Seminar - Wednesday, March 26, 2014 - A message from Hari Areti

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Wed Mar 26 08:05:47 EDT 2014

Thank you to all of those who RSVP'd.  See you at noon today.

Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:

         Please RSVP to:  patient at jlab.org by COB on March 24, 2014

                         Wednesday, March 26, 2014


                               12:00-1:00 pm

        "Development and Advances in Cryogenic System Design at JLab"

                               Peter Knudsen

                               Jefferson Lab


Abstract:  Significant process and engineering advances in cryogenic systems 
have been realized by JLab’s cryogenic group.  Although these advancements 
have benefited the users, they remain largely unknown to them.  These advances 
have significantly improved the efficiency and flexibility of these systems, 
for JLab and other labs, to allow the cryogenic support of physics that would 
otherwise not be possible technically and within fiscal constraints.  The vision 
for this proactive effort was carried internally, based on the conviction to be 
good stewards to our environment and taxpayer funding, and that cryogenic 
engineering is an art with great potential for technical advancement and innovation.  
Advancements due to the group’s self-directedness have been implemented at the 
Spallation Neutron Source, Brookhaven National Lab, as well as, internal projects 
such as the recovery heat exchanger for Hall C’s Q-weak experiment and improvements 
at the Cryogenic Test Facility (CTF).  The latest of these efforts has been focused 
on the new Central Helium Liquefier (CHL-2) for the 12 GeV upgrade, the new 
refrigerator for Michigan State University’s FRIB project and Johnson Space Center’s 
new 20 K refrigerator.  The group continues to pursue advancements in the areas of 
small and medium size 2 K (sub-atmospheric) cost effective and efficient helium 
refrigeration processes, as well as, refrigeration cold end advances and warm 
compressor efficiency improvements.

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