[Jlabsa_gs] *Deadline approaching* U.S. Particle Accelerator School- A message from Hugh Montgomery

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Mar 26 09:10:51 EDT 2014

The application deadline for our summer session sponsored by the 
University of New Mexico is fast approaching.  The registration fee cost 
increases and scholarship requests will no longer be accepted after 
April 1 (one week from today).  We have openings in all classes.  Please 
visit http://uspas.fnal.gov  for detailed course outlines and an 
application form.

Two-week full courses offered:

Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and 
Measurements Lab (undergraduate level)

Accelerator Physics Using Maple

High-Intensity RF Linear Accelerators

Microwave Sources

One-week half courses offered:

Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma -- Synergy and Bridges

MATLAB for Physics

RF Linac for High-Gain FEL

Beam by Design:  Advanced Manipulation of Relativistic Electrons with Lasers

EPICS Control Systems

Medical Accelerators

The Physics of Free Electron Lasers

U.S. Particle Accelerator School

Fermilab, MS 125

P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL  60510

Phone 630-840-3896

Fax 630-840-8500

http://uspas.fnal.gov <http://uspas.fnal.gov/>

uspas at fnal.gov <mailto:uspas at fnal.gov>
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