[Jlabsa_gs] *Deadline Approaching* HUGS 2014- A message from Tanya-Gaye Stewart

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Mar 26 11:37:09 EDT 2014

*HUGS 2014***

*The 29th Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies Program*****

*at The Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility***

        ***June 2 -- June 20, 2014***


Applications are now being accepted for HUGS 2014 to be held at 
Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia.

*Deadline for Fellowship consideration is April 11, 2014.*

Through grant support from the United States Department of Energy (DOE), 
the twenty-ninth Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies (HUGS) 
Program at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson 
Lab) is scheduled to run from Monday, June 2 to Friday, June 20, 2014. 
Students will arrive on Sunday, June 1 and depart on Saturday, June 21.

The HUGS Program at Jefferson Lab is a summer school designed for 
experimental or theoretical nuclear and particle physics graduate 
students who have finished their coursework and have at least one year 
of research experience. Students who are well into a research project 
are encouraged to apply as well. Acceptance into the program is 
competitive. The program is simultaneously intensive, friendly, and 
casual. All lecturers are internationally renowned and leaders in their 
fields. The students will be housed on site at Jefferson Lab, and there 
will be many opportunities to interact with Jefferson Lab staff, as well 
as the lecturers, other graduate students and visitors.

Please see attached for further details.

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