[Jlabsa_gs] Research scholar for medical physics simulation project

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Thu Oct 9 09:57:05 EDT 2014

Position Number- 2101501
Department Radiation- Oncology
Category- Research

Apply here: 


The Research Scholar will assist in joint EVMS/JLab research projects as 
designated by the princple investigator.

    Take primary responsibility for the day-to-day operations of
    specific, grant-supported treatment planning related research projects
    Present results at scientific conferences and workshops, publish
    research activities in scientific journals, and participate in
    proposal writing
    Develop software algorithms, based on published and new data, for
    relative biological effectiveness (RBE) that can be incorporated
    into treatment planning
    Develop software for the implementation of biological weighting into
    treatment planning via API interface development
    Evaluate treatment plans with and without new software algorithms
    Assist with the physics and dosimetric aspects of relative
    radiobiological effectiveness experiments
    Collaborate with peers, faculty, students and support staff
    Participate in additional academic/clinical/research activities as
    Manage all activities in accordance with EVMS policies and
    procedures and the polices and procedures of supporting institutions.


Ph.D. in physics, preferably with a research focus on nuclear or medical 

Strong programming skills, including three years experience in 
software-related projects.
Experience in the development and/or utilization of Monte Carlo, 
treatment planning, or other simulation software.
Demonstrated, for instance through scientific publication, the ability 
to play a leading role in scientific research projects.
Experience in data fitting, uncertainty analysis, and algorithm 
development.  No specific licensure or certification

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