[Jlabsa_gs] HUGS 2015 Physics Careers min-workshop- A message from Simona Malace

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Mon Jun 15 09:53:07 EDT 2015

We are pleased to announce a special mini-workshop for graduate students and post-docs:
Physics Careers at HUGS 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
1:00-6:00 pm
Jefferson Lab, CC F113
The mini-workshop is part of the HUGS 2015 Summer School in nuclear physics,
but open to all interested graduate students and post-docs from the Jefferson Lab community.
The workshop is intended to offer a perspective on academic and non-academic careers and
includes a hands-on session with practical advice on resume and CV writing.
For information about the program please visit: https://www.jlab.org/intralab/calendar/hugs/workshop.html
For questions contact the organizers:
Simona Malace (JLab) - simona at jlab.org
Alberto Accardi (HU & JLab) –  accardi at jlab.org
Elena Long (UNH) - elena.long at unh.edu
Andrey Tarasov (JLab) - atarasov at jlab.org

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