[Jlabsa_gs] Virginia 2016 Governor's Fellows Program- a message from Jasmine Jackson

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Wed Feb 17 13:17:04 EST 2016

Please note the specific qualifications below:

Governor Terence R. McAuliffe invites all rising college seniors, 
graduating seniors, and current graduate students from Virginia or 
attending a Virginia school to apply for the 2016 Governor’s Fellows 

This program offers the Commonwealth’s most promising young leaders, 
including students with strong interests in science, the unique 
opportunity to experience state government firsthand. Over the course of 
two months, Fellows will enjoy an intense, demanding and unforgettable 
experience working in the Governor’s Office, for a member of the 
Governor’s Cabinet, or in another position in the Executive Branch. 
  Specific assignments will vary depending on where Fellows are placed, 
but the administration makes a concerted effort to assign Fellows to the 
appropriate office based on the student’s experience, interest, and need.

Please share this information with your students who you think may be a 
good fit for the program - we think this would be a great opportunity 
for science-minded students to have an impact in the Governor's office. 
Interested candidates should visit the Governor’s Fellows website at 
http://governor.virginia.gov/fellows/ or contact Jasmine Jackson at 
GovFellows at governor.virginia.gov 
<mailto:GovFellows at governor.virginia.gov> with any questions. 
Applications are due by March 15, 2016. Final decisions are expected by 
early May.

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