[Jlabsa_gs] EPA Scientific Application & Database Developer – Job for Recent Master’s Grads

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue May 24 10:50:28 EDT 2016

EPA Scientific Application & Database Developer – Job for Recent 
Master’s Grads

The EPA Environmental Research and Business Support Program is searching 
for a Scientific Application and Database Developer to join the National 
Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT), at the EPA facility in 
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The Developer will be 
responsible for providing application development and database 
programming support for the NCCT, which develops computational tools for 
improving environmental risk assessments and chemical safety regulatory 

* Full-time, $27.72/hour, expected to begin July 2016

  * Must have earned a master’s degree in chemistry, computer science, 
engineering, bioinformatics, biology, statistics, computational biology, 
math, physics, information science, or a related field

* Must have education/experience in R-language and MySQL code 
development, a working knowledge of bioinformatics, in vitro assays and 
gene annotation, and strong written, oral, and electronic communication 

* Will perform application development and programming support, to 
include: maintaining MySQL database and R code pipeline, processing data 
sets, developing data scripts, reports, and tests, and other related 
database tasks

For the full position description and to apply, visit our website: 

  Questions? Email EPAjobs at orau.org<mailto:EPAjobs at orau.org>. To hear 
more about position openings like this, follow us on Twitter at 
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