[Jlabsa_gs] Invitation for 2nd Southeastern Virginia Postdoc Symposium

Lorelei Chopard lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Feb 28 11:05:49 EST 2017

We are pleased to announce to the *2nd Southeastern Virginia Postdoc 
Symposium*atthe*Virginia Institute of Marine Science.*

    *Date: *_Thursday, April 27, 2017_
              8:30 am -7:00 pm

    *** Location: **Watermen’s Hall, VIMS Campus*

    This biennial event will showcase the amazing research postdocs are
    conducting in the tidewater region. Our Symposium will provide
    career building and networking opportunities with speakers and
    panelists from academic, private and government institutions.

    In addition to postdoc presentations, we will have the honor of
    hosting two keynote speakers: *Rick W. Murray*, the Division
    Director of Ocean Sciences at NSF
    <https://www.linkedin.com/in/rick-murray-66984235>), as well as
    *Kendall Powell*, a freelance science writer and editor who has
    covered the challenges facing early career scientists
    <http://kendallpowellsciwriting.com/>).  A career building workshop
    will also be offered, providing attendees with the opportunity to
    discuss with invited paneliststips and strategies for pursuing
    careers academia, industry, and government.

    Please visit our*webpage
    <http://www.vims.edu/research/units/programs/post_doc/sevapostdoc/index.php>***to register
    for the symposium, submit an abstract, view the program, or obtain
    additional information.

    Registration <http://forms.wm.edu/30852>*is now open*

    Deadline: April 13^th , 2017

    All postdocs, faculty, staff, students, are welcome to attend this
    event, we only ask that you register.

    We are currently inviting postdocs to submit abstracts for poster or
    oral presentations at the symposium. The abstract submission
    <http://forms.wm.edu/30852>(Postdocs presenters only)deadline is
    March 31^st , 2017.

    This event is_NOT exclusive to marine science_ so presentations
    from*any topic* are greatly welcome!

    Symposium registration is *_free of charge_*. A light breakfast,
    lunch, coffee hour, and happy hour with heavy appetizers will be
    provided, all courtesy of the VIMS postdoc association. Prizes will
    be awarded for best poster and oral presentations. And please spread
    the word!

    We hope to see you at VIMS!

    /The VIMS postdoc community/

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