[Jlabsa_gs] *Deadline approaching*2 017 CTEQ Summer School; Pittsburgh, PA, 18-28 July 2017- a message from Thia Keppel
Lorelei Chopard
lorelei at jlab.org
Tue Feb 28 14:06:24 EST 2017
To JLab Users, I am writing to encourage the CUGA group to consider
sending students to the CTEQ Summer School (information below and
attached). While it is aimed at more particle physics topics, some
things such as QCD fundamentals, parton distribution functions and the
EIC, are of direct relevance to our community. The nominal application
deadline is upon us, but our policy is that "Review of Applications
Begins: 1 March 2017"…. this means that somewhat late applications will
still be considered.
Very best,
Dear Colleagues,
This is an announcement of the CTEQ Summer School on QCD and Electroweak
Phenomenology, to be held at Pittsburgh, PA, USA on 18-28 July 2017.
The primary goal of this year's CTEQ school will be to provide a focused
introduction to perturbative quantum chromodynamics along with
applications and recent experimental results.
Additionally, the school will include "hands-on" Monte Carlo tutorial
sessions organized in collaboration with the MCnet Collaboration.
The school is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and young
postdocs. For further information, including application procedures,
please refer to the Summer School website:
http://cteq.org/schools/summer17 which is linked from the CTEQ webpage
at: www.cteq.org or contact cteq.school at gmail.com Review of applications
will begin 1 March 2017.
The CTEQ Summer School Organizers
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