[Jlabsa_gs] Users Group Board of Directors (UGBoD) ballot closes TODAY- a message from Krishna Kumar

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Fri May 4 11:53:41 EDT 2018

Please vote for new members of the Users Group Board of Directors 
(UGBoD) at: https://www.jlab.org/user_resources/usergroup/ballot.html

The Vice-chair will serve for four years successively as Vice Chair, 
Chair-elect, Chair and Past Chair. The three at-large members and the 
Postdoc Representative will each serve for two years. This year's 
nomination committee consisted of John Arrington (chair), David 
Armstrong, Ioana Niculescu, Jose Goity, and Elton Smith. I would like to 
thank the committee for its hard work in coming up with a strong slate 
of candidates. This is now a standing nominations committee, that looks 
at various places where users can be nominated (UGBOD, outside 
committees, awards, etc...)

I also thank all the candidates who agreed to run.

Voting will close on TODAY at 5pm EST.

Registration is open for the 2018 JLab Users Group Meeting

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