[Jlabsa_gs] Ecole Joliot-Curie 2018: registration deadline approaching- a message from Carlos Munoz-Camacho

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Thu May 10 08:39:02 EDT 2018

Dear colleagues,

The 37th Joliot-Curie School entitled "Correlations between partons in 
nuclear systems" will cover the essential role of quark and gluon 
correlations inside hadrons, focusing on both the new experimental 
results and the theoretical tools required for their interpretation.

The school will take place from October 7th to 12th at La Grande Motte, 
located on the French Mediterranean coast near Montpellier. More details 
can be found on our website

https://ejc2018.sciencesconf.org/ <https://ejc2018.sciencesconf.org/>

The pre-registration is open until May 18, see "Registration 
information" on the website. Please encourage graduate students on JLab 
physics (both experimentalists and theorists) to apply. Some financial 
support is available to partially cover local expenses.

Carlos Munoz,
for the organizing committee

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