[Lad_hallc] [EXTERNAL] European Physical Journal A - Decision on Manuscript ID EPJA-107700.R1
Florian Hauenstein
hauenst at jlab.org
Tue May 7 10:50:40 EDT 2024
Dear all,
see below the response for our revised document.
Reviewer is happy with the article and just some minor text comments to address.
I should be able to finish the text comments today or tomorrow and then resubmit a revised version.
Von: European Physical Journal A <onbehalfof at manuscriptcentral.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024 10:34
An: Florian Hauenstein <hauenst at jlab.org>
Betreff: [EXTERNAL] European Physical Journal A - Decision on Manuscript ID EPJA-107700.R1
Dear Dr Hauenstein,
Manuscript ID EPJA-107700.R1 entitled "Tagged Deep Inelastic Scattering Measurement on Deuterium with the LAD Experiment" which you submitted to the European Physical Journal A, has been reviewed. The comments of the referee(s) are included at the bottom of this letter.
The referee(s) have recommended publication, but also suggest some minor revisions to your manuscript. Therefore, I invite you to respond to the referee(s)' comments and revise your manuscript.
To revise your manuscript, log into https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__mc.manuscriptcentral.com_epja&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=asg_QFxP0OVXyAZ19zktE0kdc2lZ630Ih8VdeKCUm6w&m=pYYeSx-yuEx6ELVUD6IX4yUTMK-d4vJ3Eh7IkEWmUcPxYNI3F_v4xQjuvfee0E-l&s=XC8baPi-lqNpCfQrfiDc3stOdnXPdBYhMgNwtTpOkjE&e= and enter your Author Center, where you will find your manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts with Decisions." Under "Actions," click on "Create a Revision." Your manuscript number has been appended to denote a revision.
When submitting your revised manuscript, you are kindly requested to provide at the same time your detailed answers to all points raised by the reviewers (and/or by the journal editor handling your paper) and to indicate any other requests in your cover letter. In order to facilitate and expedite the task of comparing the original and revised versions of your article, we would like to encourage you to submit further either a diff-PDF or any other similarly marked-up version of the original version of your article.
Once the revised manuscript is prepared, you can upload it and submit it through your Author Center.
IMPORTANT: Your original files are available to you when you upload your revised manuscript. Please delete any redundant files before completing the submission.
Because we are trying to facilitate timely publication of manuscripts submitted to the European Physical Journal A, your revised manuscript should be uploaded as soon as possible. If it is not possible for you to submit your revision in a reasonable amount of time, we may have to consider your paper as a new submission.
Once again, thank you for submitting your manuscript to the European Physical Journal A and I look forward to receiving your revision.
Sincerely yours,
Editor in Chief, European Physical Journal A
mgb at cern.ch
NOTE for Editor
Please, make sure that all referees' reports are duly enclosed.
Referee(s)' Comments to Author:
Referee: 1
Comments to the Author
The article is in good shape, thank you for the revision of the draft. Below are some comments on the text for your consideration.
1. Page 2, left column, last paragraph, line 8: “PRAD” is referred as “Prad” on page 5.
2. Page 2, right column, 1st line: no need “at JLAB.”
3. Page 2, right column, lines 8 and 10: replace “shown” to “presented.”
4. Page 2, right column, 2nd paragraph of section 2.1: should be comma “,” after “interest”.
5. Page 4, right column, 2nd paragraph, line 2: replace “such” to “so”. Line 5: comma “,” after “proton”. Line 6: replace “over” to “of”.
6. Page 4, right column, 3rd paragraph, line 3: replace “CLAS6 experiment” to “CLAS detector”.
1. Page 5, left column, line 8: replace CLAS6 experiment, there was no CLAS6 experiment, there was a CLAS detector.
2. Page 5, left column, 2nd paragraph, line 5,: replace “who” to “which”.
3. Page 5, left column, 3rd column, lines 10 to 13: referring to the “top” and “bottom” GEMs is really incorrect. There is no top and bottom orientation, there is a first GEM amplification layer close to the cathode and the last layer close to the readout.
Co-Editor: Rossi, Patrizia
Comments to the Author - only for Accept/Reject Decisions:
(There are no comments.)
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