[Lad_hallc] Hall A/C summet meeting

Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso gayoso at jlab.org
Tue May 28 17:38:10 EDT 2024

Dear All,

I am organizing the session "Upcoming Experiments" for the Hall A/C Summer Meeting. Naturally, for Hall A in the next years will be MOLLER. But for Hall C, according Mark Jones, we have:

Hypernuclear, LAD, RSIDIS, Pion-CT, VCS, nDelta, SRC, PAC proposal to
finish 3-nucleon SRC expt, PAC proposal for transverse asymmetries on
range of nuclei, Bill Li’s u-channel expt

I am compiling potential presenters. I have to fill 2h and a half, which makes, maybe 5 talks. I wonder if we (LAD) is interested to present in the Summer Meeting, and if yes, who.

Please let me know, so I can have names to work.


Last name: Ayerbe OR Ayerbe Gayoso

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