[Clas12_first_exp] summary of the clas12 first experiment meeting 08/02/17

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Wed Aug 2 10:39:43 EDT 2017

_Dear all,

Here is summary of the discussion we had this morning:

_Priority # 1_: Produce new distribution/release for physics analysis 
that includes:

  * Configuration of the forward detector that does not include the FMM
    at this stage
  * The latest development of the DC Time to Distance in GEMC (including
    bug fixes by Veronique, No B filed dependence at this stage)
  * The latest improvement to the tracking in DC
  * The CVT (3MM + 3SVT) tracking

  * Veronique will check in and approve the latest reconstruction
    changes, including additional tracking banks
  * Mauri will produce new tagged version of GEMC
  * Francois will produce the new distribution of Coatjava 4a.7.4

  * This release will be then used by all the physics working groups to
    study the experiment configuration in preparation for the CLAS12
    Ready for Science Review
  * Quantitative studies of reconstruction in both central and forward
    detector as function of the magnetic fields & finding will be
    discussed at our next Wednesday meeting.

  * At the same time dedicated effort of DC calibration will continue
    using both simulation and KPP data to validate time to distance
    functional form to close the loop on this issue.



_*August 16*_: Review of the status of the physics analysis from each 
one of the 5 physics working groups to start the finalize the experiment 

_*September 25 & 26*_: CLAS12 Ready for Science Review: Including: 
Online DAQ, Trigger, quasi-online calibration and reconstruction, 
detector normalization, offline physics analysis

Best regards,


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