[Clas12_first_exp] No Run Coordinator Meeting Today

Daniel Carman carman at jlab.org
Sat Aug 25 08:34:18 EDT 2018


We had no beam in the hall overnight and there are a number of remaining issues with
setting up the machine. They have not yet gotten the beam to the Hall D tagger dump
and thus have not yet gone from tuned beam to CW. Overnight they had a variety of
problems with hardware and with machine instabilities. Also they believe that there is
a possible obstruction in the beam path associated with a newly installed cryomodule.

I just met with the Program Deputy. Given the current list of problems in the machine
and the lack of satisfactory progress, the plan today is to send 4th pass CW beam to
Hall C and try to better setup the machine and figure out the source of the instabilities.
After they make progress there, they will then try to tune the 5th pass beam around to
Hall D. Only then will beam be sent to Hall B to begin tuning our line.

Eugene Pasyuk will send out a separate email shortly, but the day shift today is cancelled,
i.e. shifts are cancelled until 4 p.m.. The torus and solenoid magnets are now being
ramped down. Given this development, there is no need to call for a Run Coordinator 
meeting today. If there is need to have a meeting tomorrow, I will send out email tomorrow.

As for the hydrogen target, there was quite a bit of progress yesterday and Bob Miller
was able to get the target filled after all system self-checks were successfully completed.
However, the regulation control is not functioning. Dialog with the Saclay folks continues.
I will provide a further update on the target when there is news. Let me know if you have
any questions.


*                                                                                                                  *
* Dr. Daniel S. Carman                  e-mail : carman at jlab.org                     *  
* Staff Scientist                              office : (757)-269-5586                         *
* Jefferson Laboratory                   web: http://userweb.jlab.org/~carman  *  
*                                                                                                                  *

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