[Clas12_first_exp] No Run Coordinator Meeting Today

Daniel Carman carman at jlab.org
Mon Aug 27 10:12:55 EDT 2018


We had very little beam in the hall overnight, and what we had was only in the
upstream beamline line (to the tagger yoke dump) and mostly just short spurts 
of tuned beam, although we had a very brief period of CW. The machine is down 
today to work on a number of issues that were leading to instabilities and beam 
loss. Beam tuning and optimization work will continue at some point during swing 
shift. I am also hoping that there will be news of continuing work to understand the 
issues with our cryotarget.

Given the current status, there will be no Run Coordinator meeting this afternoon.
I will sent out email tomorrow with a status update and plans for our next
meeting. If you have any questions, let me know.


*                                                                                                                  *
* Dr. Daniel S. Carman                  e-mail : carman at jlab.org                     *  
* Staff Scientist                              office : (757)-269-5586                         *
* Jefferson Laboratory                   web: http://userweb.jlab.org/~carman  *  
*                                                                                                                  *

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