[Clas12_first_exp] No Run Coordinator Meeting Today

Daniel Carman carman at jlab.org
Tue Aug 28 09:13:03 EDT 2018


Yesterday during the day the machine was down for a period of beam studies. The plan 
was to begin restoration at the start of swing shift and continue setting up the machine
and the tuning of 5th pass beam to Hall B. However, a number of hardware problems 
including a dipole power supply failure in our line did not allow any beam to be delivered 
to Hall B last night. At 7 a.m. today the machine went down for RF recovery with the plan 
to begin restoration of beam by the start of swing shift. 

Today in the hall there will be work on the problematic Hall B cryo-target and I hope to have 
some news on developments before the day is done. Bob Miller is presently in the hall going
through a series of detailed investigations/checks based on communication from the Saclay 
expert that was received this morning. Also the magnet group will be in the hall trying to better 
understand the source of the fast rampdown of the solenoid yesterday due to noise in the 
quench detection circuitry.

Given the current status, there will be no Run Coordinator meeting this afternoon. I will sent 
out email tomorrow with a status update and plans for our next meeting. If you have any 
questions, let me know.


*                                                                                                                  *
* Dr. Daniel S. Carman                  e-mail : carman at jlab.org                     *  
* Staff Scientist                              office : (757)-269-5586                         *
* Jefferson Laboratory                   web: http://userweb.jlab.org/~carman  *  
*                                                                                                                  *

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