[Dsg-hallc_nps] Fw: [EXTERNAL] Re: Module Firmware

Aaron Brown ambrown at jlab.org
Wed Sep 16 11:23:07 EDT 2020

FYI: Communication with CAEN about possible firmware upgrades for A1535 S/N modules
From: Greg Kibilko <greg at setechsales.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:29 AM
To: Aaron Brown <ambrown at jlab.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Module Firmware

Hi Aaron,

It sounds like this question is not so straightforward as I anticipated.

The CAEN engineers explained that it is sometimes not advisable to upgrade the firmware because hardware components within the boards have changed over time.  What they have asked is for you to send an email to their support engineers asking if a FW upgrade is required, and please include the board serial numbers.  They'll cross reference the A1535 S/N information and determine if a FW upgrade is required.

The support email is:  support.nuclear at caen.it<mailto:support.nuclear at caen.it>

If you'd like to copy me that would be great, but it's not necessary.

I hope this helps!  As always, let me know if you have any issues or concerns.


On 9/16/2020 9:53 AM, Aaron Brown wrote:
Hi Greg,

Yes, all is well here too.
We have two SY4527 mainframes.
We upgraded the firmware in the mainframes earlier this year.


From: Greg Kibilko <greg at setechsales.com><mailto:greg at setechsales.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 9:18:36 AM
To: Aaron Brown <ambrown at jlab.org><mailto:ambrown at jlab.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Module Firmware

Hi Aaron,

Yes, all is well.  Hope you are well too.

I believe I can help you with this.  Which mainframe(s) are you working with?


On 9/16/2020 8:48 AM, Aaron Brown wrote:
Hi Greg,

Hope all is well with you.
I have a question:
We have a few of the A1535 24-channel modules (3 negative and 1 positive) that may need a firmware update.
Do you think that this is something we'd be able to get from CAEN tech support?

Thanks for your help,
Aaron Brown

Greg Kibilko
SETS - SE Technical Sales, Inc.
112 Tyra Lane
Townville, SC 29689
P: (864) 356-2606
CAEN Products<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.caen.it_csite&d=DwMD-g&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TkJUDpm1-rWCci4nhe47nw&m=FifKRgaQlH4AFDpIcvrUnvt1JDvs6DZcSLat-AcC_OI&s=61OCG3vYVsAJIOlL2kCngx8B289LgaJxIjlnGOcPCW4&e=>
CAEN SyS Products & Solutions<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__caensys.com_products-2Dand-2Dsolutions_&d=DwMD-g&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TkJUDpm1-rWCci4nhe47nw&m=FifKRgaQlH4AFDpIcvrUnvt1JDvs6DZcSLat-AcC_OI&s=pn3FDm-JlNe44DxGVsHErwTsMpQ1X5-OI9E4KcePvbc&e=>

Greg Kibilko
SETS - SE Technical Sales, Inc.
112 Tyra Lane
Townville, SC 29689
P: (864) 356-2606
CAEN Products<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.caen.it_csite&d=DwMD-g&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TkJUDpm1-rWCci4nhe47nw&m=g5SP2P1NnTYoG_wrxHeJX5mHRo2tcW0aY9Y6LquSXQ8&s=etmotIPn838_dayse86URwQyJCIb1JSgk2Qmtq8F5oE&e=>
CAEN SyS Products & Solutions<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__caensys.com_products-2Dand-2Dsolutions_&d=DwMD-g&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=TkJUDpm1-rWCci4nhe47nw&m=g5SP2P1NnTYoG_wrxHeJX5mHRo2tcW0aY9Y6LquSXQ8&s=7ByUlz5kop54GV0kscaF4H_f_w0nhpQ1GWuunsBf_Ss&e=>
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