[Dsg-hallc_nps] [New Logentry] Follow-up Re: Follow-up Re: NPS Temperature recovery

ambrown at jlab.org ambrown at jlab.org
Wed Feb 14 12:35:01 EST 2024

Logentry Text:
The NPS crystal temperatures have been recovered.
We opened up the front of the calorimeter and tested the manufacturer's cables using a known good terminal block fully populated with 40, K-type thermocouples from the DSG Keysight scanning test stand.
The cables from terminal block #4 did not work, but the cables from terminal block #3 did.
Just to be on the safe side, we swapped out the extension cables for multiplexer #4 for the spare extension cables, still no change.
We finally were able to read the temperatures using the spare extension cables along with the manufacturer's cables for terminal block #5 (which is not currently in use).
With this configuration, we reconnected terminal block #4 and are able to read all temperatures.


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