[Dsg-hallc_nps] [New Logentry] Recovered NPS crystal temperatures

ambrown at jlab.org ambrown at jlab.org
Tue Feb 20 17:10:06 EST 2024

Logentry Text:
When testing the power distribution unit for the NPS cRIO the first 40 back crystal temperatures were lost.
This was the same problem we had last week with the first 40 front crystal temperatures.
Josh Crafts and I were finally able to recover the channels after swapping in a new spare cable (cable #3) for the cable that was attached to the left back of the multiplexer (cable #9).
We then used cable #9 in place of the cable that was connected to the right bank of the multiplexer (cable #8).
This makes 3 extension cables that we've deemed "bad". There should be one spare cable left as DSG fabricated 12 extension cables and 8 are currently in use.
We should think about making additional spare extension cables as well as try to figure out what could be causing these cables to go "bad".


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