[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (10/9/2012)
John LeRose
lerose at jlab.org
Thu Oct 11 11:24:37 EDT 2012
Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html
John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting October 9, 2012
1) Thia Keppel
a) Senior Staff meeting:
i) Next week Mary Logue will come to the meeting to review
safety aspects of the Long Shutdown up to the present.
ii) There?s a possibility Physics Division is getting $0.5M
less than anticipated this year. Also, due to the
continuing resolution we still don?t have much money. The
mandate is to spend very carefully. If you have a req for
>$25k discuss it with Thia before submitting.
iii) Performance appraisal cycle continues. Please, finish
your self-assessment.
iv) Crane Operator training is $900 per person. If you
think you need crane operator training you?ll need to
demonstrate the need to Thia
v) Management self-assessment of large installations went
reasonably well. Two main observations were:
(1) The readiness review process was not well known or
understood by people outside the Physics Division
(people from other divisions or users)
(2) Readiness Review procedures weren?t always
vi) Software review will happen in November
vii) Still waiting for the memo from Mont re invitation
letters for collaborators etc.
viii) Security: Security: the doors are still locked.
The door by the cafeteria loading dock may be unlocked,
but if so, the possible intention for use may only be by
service personnel (cafeteria workers etc.), so still
please use the front door until otherwise notified.
b) Expect requests for contributions to the annual report. If
you have suggestions let Thia know (or Seamus or Patricia)
c) SBS Collaboration meeting is next week (Oct 18-19)
d) Lehman review for the 12 GeV Upgrade is scheduled for late
November. Hall A?s role should be minimal.
e) There will be a meeting after this meeting re the Hall B
large angle calorimeter adoption.
2) Whit Seay
a) Working on:
i) Cradle for the A1n coils
ii) Modeling of multiple layouts of SBS
b) Waiting for drawings for A1n target
c) Getting drawings to Ed for Compton work
3) Ed Folts
a) Compton:
i) New magnet legs being made
ii) Expect to survey beam line next week
b) Møller quad is finished mapping
c) Cryogenics
d) Self-assessments
e) Performance appraisals
4) Javier Gomez
a) 12 GeV Møller: mapping is completed on the 4th quad
b) Møller Target Super Conducting Magnet
i) During recent use the target didn?t saturate when it
should have.
ii) Don?t understand why, need to better understand the
iii) Jim Napolitano/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is
interested in collaborating on the Superconducting
Polarimeter. They want to study the installation and
c) Møller Collaboration Meeting:
i) There has been a lot of effort to understand the magnet
and its stability
(1) Lots of simulations
(2) High Voltage and High Current magnet
ii) Detector simulations
iii) Beam monitoring
iv) Atomic Hydrogen Polarimeter
v) Target issues
vi) Interest in ESR2
(1) meetings planned
(2) schedule designed to meet Møller needs
(3) ~$6M project
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