[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (2/12/2013)

John LeRose lerose at jlab.org
Wed Feb 13 16:04:57 EST 2013

Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html

John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting February 12, 2013
1)	Doug Higinbotham
a)	News from the senior staff meeting
i)	Out year budget situation looks OK for JLab
(1)	We must answer some questions re Møller, SOLID, 
Dark Light, etc.
ii)	No news re the sequester
iii)	Performance appraisal process almost done
iv)	There will be a salary review this year
v)	Open benefits enrollment starts Monday February 18 and 
continues until Friday March 1.
2)	Ed Folts
a)	Doing 1st item leak check on the beam line
b)	Cryo-control work continues
c)	Disassembling the target for modifications needed by the 
next experiment
d)	Removing maintenance jacks so designers can look at them
e)	Working on the raster shielding hut
3)	Whit Seay
a)	Compton: last minute modifications as needed
b)	SBS: continuing with the counter weight method design
c)	Working on the detector stack for the HRS
d)	DVCS: several drawing packages have been signed off
4)	Jian-Ping Chen reports on Progress with the Polarized 3He 
a)	See 
i)	Introduction (how the target works)
ii)	Performance during 6 GeV experiments
iii)	12 GeV experiments and their requirements
iv)	Upgrade plans and status

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