[Halla_min] Weekly Minutes 1-28-14

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Fri Feb 7 11:25:56 EST 2014

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: January 28, 2014
1)	Thia Keppel
a)	From Senior Staff Meeting
-	Security Awareness Training must be completed by Friday or badge will be turned off
-	Current plans for Lab to send a friendlier note about missing people who were part of the reduction in workforce
-	Users being reallocated to staff as sponsors
-	Struggling to fill holes in Physics
b)	Budget
-	Lab has full FY14 budget
-	The budget is what we planned on
-	Waiting on it to trickle down to the halls
c)	ARR2 Review is critical for Hall A
-	Work guidance doc located on web
d)	Some time in next 2 weeks will have a better plan on the combining of Halls A & C
-	Working with Steve to restructure some things under way and still much to be decided, will keep you posted
e)	Space reduction group to be put together by Facilities. Walt Akers will be on the group to represent Physics
f)	Hall liaisons need to not be spokespeople of existing experiments. Will need to change DVCS. GMp
-	Currently Doug is liason for the start-up run in March
g)	Update all publications, talks, and awards  requested for the quarterly report
2)	Robin Wines
a)	Compton still working with survey
b)	DVCS/GMp extension in hall floor plates just came in
c)	Steel coil just came in & approved
d)	Whit’s designs for the SBS support structure has been reviewed may end up too expensive
-	Mark Jones officially new SBS Program Manager
-	Power supply believed to be delivered by June
3)	Ed Folts (via Thia)
-	Cooling down spectrometers
-	Jack Segal’s group started meeting
4)	Ole Hansen
-	Shutting down adaq computers to move to counting house
-	They will be down for awhile
5)	Kalyan Allada
-	HRS Angle with Wire Target for GMP
JLab Notable Events link: https://www.jlab.org/div_dept/dir_off/oa/notable/index.html

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5703

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