[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 14, 2017

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Mar 8 13:20:50 EST 2017

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 14, 2017 

1. Thia Keppel 
a. No Senior Staff 
b. Required run documentation turned into Patrizia 
c. Shift sign up out – Run starts Friday (2-10-17) 
d. Email from Carlos Munoz Camacho coming out 
i. Publications for Hall A must go through Hall A Committee 
ii. 3 day turn-around 
iii. Call for help with Hall documentation 

2. Robin Wines 
a. SBS 
i. Continue on details of vertical beam line support 
ii. Revised GEM electronics hut location for use of GEMs in BigByte 
iii. Continue on polarized 3He target design 
iv. Working on BigByte detector frame design 
i. Supporting target design integration 
ii. Estimating remaining work 

3. Jessie Butler 
a. Spent majority of the week cleaning up the hall and moving equipment out in preparation for the start of the experiment 
b. ESR crash happened on Tuesday, we spent time recovering and stabilizing the cryo system 
c. Finished leak checking the entrance beam line and pumped down and leak checked both HRS 
d. Water was connected to the APEX magnet and all leaks were repaired and magnet is being prepped for testing 
e. Repaired several vacuum hoses and finished the final maintenance checks on the vacuum system 
f. Tritium stand was moved into place and mounted on the pivot 
g. Working on the Tritium platform 

4. Doug Higinbotham 
a. Radcon had questions about radioactive particles being released from heavy gas target, calculations done 

Stephanie Tysor 
Hall A Administrative Assistant 
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235 
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