[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 21, 2017
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Wed Mar 8 13:31:34 EST 2017
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 21, 2017
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff
i. Director Elect, visiting this week
1. Today and tomorrow with Physics Division
ii. Anatoly Radyushkin won a Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award
iii. Diversity & Inclusion climate survey, pie charts have changed toward positive, can check out on web
iv. New travel policy
1. Ratio of business to vacation days has changed for foreign travel (no longer 2:1, you can take as many vacation days as you want)
2. Vacation paid by you (of course)x
3. Cost comparison of flights has to be done
v. MFA “complete” but there are mop-up actions – especially for MAC users
vi. ESR running at edge
1. Some loads different from original plan
2. Will measure loads after run
vii. May CD4B Review for 12 GeV (Close-out of project)
1. All must be done “barring” the Hall B Solenoid
2. Must post all in advance, or else won’t count as CD4B
viii. SBS Annual Project Review report in
1. 3 recommendations
a. Update org chart
b. UPPs, (KPPs can be UPPs, but add for some dependencies)
c. Plan for transition to operations
2. Close-out review in ~March, just 2 talks
ix. Report of Community Review of Accelerator R&D for EIC
1. ~60 page document, informal from chair
2. JLab design well accepted
3. One recommendation for us
4. Highest R&D priority goes to whatever is in common
x. New funding announcement for EIC R&D imminent
1. $1.5M “tax” still coming, but DOE says “we’ll get it back”
xi. July 13,14 (same week as PAC) – R&D Review detector of proposals (presentations)
b. Hall Business
i. CC – please volunteer for documentation committee!
ii. Sign up for shifts
2. Walt Akers
a. A,B, & C flood gate test failed (@ ~3 ft., 80+ gallons/minute into C)
i. The 2 sump pumps can handle 65 gallons/minute
ii. 185 gallons/minute -performs at 40 gallons/minute drain pipes
iii. Ground water drains to sump, gets near capacity
b. Recycling
i. Reached an unmanageable point to accommodate all constraints
ii. Went into bins near work areas, but piling up
iii. Will try to move to facilities picking this up
3. Whit Seay
a. ODH documentation for Hall completed
b. SBS
i. Continue on corrector magnet support brackets, BB detector frame, polarized 3He target work, and beam line support structural analysis write up
4. Jessie Butler
a. Finished removing all unnecessary equipment and trash from the hall as well as completed the final maintenance checks on the vacuum and cryogenic system
b. Supported ESR cryo testing, Hall’s drainage system, testing, maintenance on the air handling unit, safety quarterly inspection of the Hall and target chamber close up and pump down
c. Completed the Hall’s hot checkout, pre-beam checklist and gave a refresher training with the RC for the upcoming run
d. Hall locked up
e. Run has started
5. Ed Folts
a. Keep hall clean
6. Evan McClellan – Run Coordinator
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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