[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: November 14, 2017

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Nov 15 08:20:01 EST 2017

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: November 14, 2017

1. Thia Keppel
   a. Senior Staff Meeting
     i. Accelerator still on track for December run
     ii. Still need site office permission to run Halls B & C don’t expect issues
     iii. 12 GeV celebration will be later than December
       1. Want Secretary, may require delay until January
     iv. Students – new graphs to show strong need to start running, more operations
       1. 200 technically still working on PhDs
     v. Space issues:
       1. SRF/LCLS II has to rework two older modules
         a. Need 6 months….may need new corridor through test lab high bay
         b. Looking at space organization
         c. SRF will do the move if we want
       2. Space in EEL will be added to Physics
         a. Gain EEL #122 (?) – old polarized source lab, electronics group to move there
     vi. JLEIC accelerator and engineering presentations for pCDR – every week to end of year
       1. Also noon chat lunches
       2. pCDR ~ summer, fall
       3. Femtography request to state, ~ $500k (imaging center like INT, ECT,…) Would really need ~ $2M/year, 
          but need something to get started
         a. Will find out in few months
       4. Streaming readout @ MIT workshop – late January
       5. POETIC & DIS coming up
     vii. Capital Equipment for out years….
       1. Difficult because we’re not running
       2. Redirect towards something like MOLLER, SoLID,….
       3. 3He ok, some fast electronics…. - Prioritize! (useful for >1 hall higher)
       4. Can look again later and reshuffle if necessary
   b. Hall A
     i. Tritium is in the Hall!
     ii. Please remove (with permission of Rad Con) anything you want from the Rad Con shelf soon, before Hall 

2. Robin Wines
   a. SBS
     i. Continue on ECal drawings
     ii. Filing assembly drawings
     iii. Checking HCal support drawings
   b. Tritium
     i. Evaluating various correctors for use in shielding beamline from fields in Fall 2018 run
   c. PREX2/CREX
     i. Design of vacuum chambers
     ii. Collimator/sieve removal and shielding supports

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Worked on LQ3 and left dipole pressure sensors and distribution can flow differential flow meter (working 
      to improve on accuracy for troubleshooting purposes)
   b. Ordered parts for making parts for SBS exit beamline shielding HCal module assembly
   c. Completed test for aluminum welding and continued to clean-up and organize tools and equipment in 
   d. Overhead crane work was completed
     i. Crane has been repaired, tested, inspected and is now back into service
   e. Contractors completed inspection of all rigging gear in the hall
   f. OTR foil just up-stream of the target chamber is blown and we have been working with Engineering Group to 
      have it replaced
     i. Latest estimates were that they hope to have it done by the end of this week or early next week
   g. Facilities completed inspections on the hall’s air conditioner and air handling units ahead of the fall 
   h. Contractor came in and completed the inspection on all of our man-lifts in the hall
   i. Began cleaning up the hall ahead of the fall run by moving unnecessary equipment out of the hall

4. Jack Segal
   a. Working on HRS quad power supply and HRS-L rotation

5. Featured speaker
   a. Caryn Palatchi

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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