[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: November 21, 2017

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Nov 22 10:42:52 EST 2017

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: November 21, 2017

1. Thia Keppel
   a. No Senior Staff Meeting
   b. Accelerator news looks good!
     i. Physics start Monday, December 4th   All Halls
     ii. Standby shifts 12/3 – 12/4
     iii. 11/28 Run Coordinators meet at 7:45am
     iv. Halls to be locked up over weekend
     v. End 12/21 NOT 12/18 “strong possibility” – may not be relevant for Hall A as we have to put tritium in 
        TSV, etc. before break

2. Robin Wines
   a. SBS
     i. Continue on ECal drawings
     ii. Filing assembly drawings
     iii. Checking HCal support drawings
   b. Tritium Lambda-N
     i. Evaluating various corrector magnet options for use in shielding beamline from fields in Fall 2018 run
   c. PREX2/CREX
     i. Design of vacuum chambers
     ii. Collimator/sieve removal and shielding supports

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Worked on space allocation of Hall A equipment and APEX scheduling
   b. Moved forward with HCal sub-assemblies but was halted because of space re-arrangement in Test Lab
   c. Need to make space for LCLS-II cryo modules
   d. Finished modification to assembly frame that was needed because the mounting holes didn’t line up
   e. Moved the PREX septum, SBS target chamber windows and a few other pieces of equipment from the Test Lab 
      to Hall A in order to make room
   f. Made a new O-ring for the Grinch
     i. An attempt to fix the leak
   g. Pumped down entrance beamline
     i. During pump down the OTR foil blew so now we are waiting to see what’s the plan moving forward
     ii. Scheduled meeting to discuss on Monday (11/20)
   h. Began pumping down HRS
     i. Starting them both on a roughing pump over the weekend and will be starting up the turbos on Monday

4. Featured Speaker
   a. Dave Meekins

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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