[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 19, 2017
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Thu Oct 12 14:35:11 EDT 2017
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 19, 2017
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff
i. “Toolbox Talk” pipe emitting smoke & flame found in wooded area…..leftover from DoD days
1. Lessons Learned:
1. Fire department not notified in timely manner Don’t disturb materials which present an undefined
2. Consult with industrial hygiene to move any unknown materials
3. If you’ve come into contact with an unknown substance contact Occ-Med
4. Be cautious, don’t fear retribution
ii. Another event, smelled gas behind counting house (there was a corroded link to natural gas line under
1. Fire Department not notified in a timely manner
2. Ended up disorganized for fire personnel access
3. Lessons learned coming
i. Call guards and crew chief after fire department
iii. Near end of fiscal year – PLEASE do time sheets early/on time!! It’s helpful, nothing alarming.
iv. Property – still have things hanging from last year, nothing mentioned from A/C
v. Today noon – 1PM LDRD (4 on going) winner announcements
vi. EIC Detector R&D – did well – software, calorimetry
1. 2 new ones, transition radiators and background studies
2. 40% of requested/proposed funds
vii. EIC NAS 9/11,12
1. 2 invited speakers – Al Mueller dipole model blackboard talk
1. Ernst Schichterman on computing
2. Lia Merminga on EIC Accelerator Technology Development
2. This is the last meeting asking for outside input, expect report late spring
1. Nucleon imaging seems to be gaining traction
viii. 9/27 ESAAB meeting in DC (end of 12GeV project!)
ix. 10/20, 21 IN2P3 visit from France, high level (previously LHC dominated)
x. 10/9-13 joint EIC accelerator meeting at BNL
xi. FY18 Budget, have guidance from lab, maybe not so bad, got reserve funds last year so flat is better
than we thought
1. Capital ok
2. Research a problem – (get in your travel requests to Stephanie!)
3. Operations might be ok
xii. Radcon 9/15 schedule out
2. Robin Wines
a. SBS
i. Machine shop working on beamline assembly hardware
ii. Continue on assembly drawings
iii. BB detector frame engineering analysis complete-revising drawings
iv. Continue on HCal combined support/platform including CDet support
v. HCal lifter overdue for delivery
vi. Finished design checks of lead wall support
i. Machine shop fabricating collimator
ii. Continue on shielding design/support
iii. Septum coil awarded
3. Jessie Butler
a. Worked on editing and inputting tritium procedures into document control
b. Worked with Al Gavalya on verifying clearance for PREX sky-shine shielding
c. Worked on re-wiring APEX coils
d. Continued to look over cryo system possible source of contamination
e. Continue updating cryo drawings for dipoles and distribution can
f. Continue working on streamlining the vacuum systems in the hall
g. Continue to support Target Group with installing tritium
h. PSS certs and fire protection system testing took place in hall this week
i.Welding in the designated area in building 98 created problems with the LCW flow meter control box in the
adjacent room. Working with Engineering Group to come up with a solution
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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