[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: October 10, 2017
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Thu Oct 12 14:50:37 EDT 2017
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: October 10, 2017
1. Thia Keppel
a. No Senior Staff meeting this week
b. Hall Business
i. Cryomodule cooling result (from accelerator sources) look good so far….looking like 11+GeV to Hall D.
Will still learn more how much that “+” value will be
ii. SoLID Collaboration meeting this Friday and Saturday (October 13/14
1. Received positive feedback from Director’s Review committee regarding response to recommendations
iii. Hall A Collaboration meeting January 24/25
iv. Hall C Collaboration meeting January 22/23
2. Robin Wines
a. SBS
i. Checking HCal support/platform drawings
ii. Checking beamline assembly drawings
iii. 1st set of beamline assembly parts ready this week from machine shop
iv. Continue on polarized 3He target
v. Reviewing ECal design
i. Updating cost estimate and design needs
i. Working on vacuum chamber drawings
ii. Collimator and shielding support
d. SoLID
i. Prep for collaboration meeting
3. Jessie Butler
a. Met with Silviu (?) to discuss the APEX target parts and assembly process
b. Worked with Al on PREX septum pole shims and the possibility of modifying them as well as the magnet
vacuum feed-through
c. Provided information to safety about the circuit breaker power outage timeline and the affect it had on
Hall A
d. Worked on recovering and adjusting the cryo system after the CHL and Hall C crashes
e. Checked all of our magnet relief valves for leaks
f. Worked on connectors on Q3 magnets to make them water tight
g. Troubleshooting an interlock signal problem on LQ3
h. Helped with pump down and leak check with the Moller polarimeter in Test Lab
i. Redo support for the shielding that’s on top of the raster safe in hall
j. Performed maintenance on our machine shop tools (lathe, band saw, and milling machine)
k. Assembled and calibrated valves for the magnets
l. Crane hopefully will be operational by the end of the week
4. Dave Meekins
a. Tritium target operators will need a supplemental training in addition to standard target training
i. Need target operators – please take training!
5. Speaker
a. Douglas Higinbotham
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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