[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: July 24, 2018

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Mon Aug 20 10:49:34 EDT 2018

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: July 24, 2018

1. Steve Wood
   a. Senior Staff meeting
     i. OPS Review will be Wednesday – Friday of this week
     ii. Received funding on July 1st. Halls have funds allocated and all appear to be doing okay
     iii. Training required for hosting foreign nationals
      1. Training required for any staff member to sponsor foreign users
      2. Janet to send out a message to those who need to take the training so we can get users in to take 
     iv. Deputy A.D. for Accelerator has been appointed: Mike Spata is formally the Deputy to the new A.D. 
              (Andrei Seryi)
     v. PAC
      1. A few experiments approved
      2. 1 for Hall B which combined 2 proposals into 1 run group
     vi. EIC meeting at Catholic University next week
     vii. BNL and JLab to give DOE a budget estimate for EIC soon
     viii. Reporter contact
      1. If you are contacted by ANYONE asking questions about EIC or wanting information of any kind, pass 
             them on to Communications (Lauren Hansen)
      2. We are not allowed to discuss or relay information 

2. Whit Seay
   a. SBS
     i. ECal front frame was delivered
      1. Welds do not meet our requirements – a lot of time going to be needed to correct this 
     ii. Drawings in checking
     iii. Ordered large flange and transition piece for beamline
   b. APEX
     i. Waiting on delivery of:  
      1. Corrector assembly parts
      2. Extension box support
      3. Septum magnet supports
     ii. Working on dump shielding wall drawings
     i. Waiting on septum coil delivery
     ii. Working on sieve drawings
     iii. Vacuum chamber drawings modified
     iv. Plastic shielding drawings completed
     v. Continue on concrete shielding design

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Continue with APEX magnet wiring
   b. Helped with unloading ECal frame and restack HCal modules in Test Lab
   c. Assist Jack as needed with doing work on the detector stack
   d. Continue with cool down of the magnets
   e. Temperature averages are ~270K for dipoles and ~240K for quads
   f. Installing leads and guards
   g. Worked on moving pumps around on vacuum  systems to aid in the cool down
   h. Help unload ECal detector frame and restack one set of HCal modules in Test Lab
   i. Cleaned up vacuum system components and put away unused equipment in the hall
   j. Helped unload ECal detector frame detector frame and restack on set of HCal modules in Test Lab
   k. Worked on cleaning vacuum hoses and parts that were removed from the system after use
   l. Dump work continues in the hall, Safety Systems Group began PSS certs which will continue into next week

4. Jack Segal
   a. Support of HCal detector work in Test Lab
   b. Delay cable shelving received, will need to be assembled in Test Lab
   c. Installation of trigger scintillator after detector lift and rearrangement this week. INFN group 
           installed PMT array cabling signal and HV
   d. Geometry to be changed next, might include upper and lower trigger scintillator for 8X8 HCal module array
   e. Began mounting HV boxes on HCal frame, 2 sets completed, planning on doing about 2 sets a week, takes 
           about a hour to drill/tap holes in steel frame
   f. Multimode fiber cable for BCM receiver in Hall A labyrinth
   g. Looking for existing fiber cable location in floor level racks
   h. Signal not found from detector stack to fiber panel labeled “Electron” and “Hadron”, suspect new 
           installation located elsewhere at floor level racks
   i. 15 meter fiber cable on hand for connection of card on 2nd level L-HRS to rear of detector stack

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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