[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: August 14, 2018
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Tue Aug 21 10:39:33 EDT 2018
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: August 14, 2018
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff meeting
i. Preparing for running
1. Need readiness certificates
ii. Accountability exercise to happen quarterly
2. Whit Seay
i. Corrector parts expected early next week
ii. Had meeting to review readiness for installation
iii. Drawings done for beam dump concrete
1. Now getting cost estimate
iv. Working on support of middle piece of beam dump concrete
v. Trying to resolve issues with septa support vendor
1. Parts late but expected within 2 weeks
i. Shielding material types verified
ii. Plastic shielding in procurement for bid
iii. Continue on checking concrete shielding and getting cost estimate
iv. Vacuum chambers in procurement
v. Beam pipe ready for procurement
vi. Septa coil arrived
c. SBS
i. Tower extension drawings modified to make procurement easier
ii. Need to revise vertical support drawings to rebid vertical supports
3. Jessie Butler
a. Continue with cool down
b. Currently all of our magnets are setting around 100K and as cold as we can go on the heat exchanger
c. We are waiting to start mixing 4K gas
d. Plan is to start mixing on Monday (8/13)
e. Also re-installed the exit window on LHRS
f. Began pumping the spectrometer and will continue with the leak check on Monday
g. Completed the installation and leak check of the entrance window on RHRS
h. RHRS is fully checked and ready to go
i. Began moving unused equipment out of the hall ahead of fall run
j. Helped move equipment ESB to the high bay of TED
k. Welding of the beam dump flange will begin early next week
l. Completed a survey of the target ladder and chamber
m. Continued with rewiring the APEX septum magnet
n. Asked the Machine Shop for an update on the Cherenkov extension box
i. They gave an estimated delivery date of Thursday (8/16)
o. ECAL frame shipped to vendor for repairs
4. Jack Segal
a. Worked on the bogies in Hall A
b. Worked on raspberry pi with a camera under each boxbeam inside the HRS shield houses with a display next
to the run safe boxes on the detector stacks
c. Re-made the connection for the HMS threshold supply
d. Worked on checking out the Moller power supply and trying to work down the cost of the project
e. Worked on the routing of the cables for the Hall A bogies
f. Power supply control needs to be confirmed for APEX magnets
g. Hall A Moller target controls will need to be reworked
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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