[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 12, 2019

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Feb 13 14:01:11 EST 2019

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 12, 2019

1.      Thia Keppel

a.       Hall News

                                                              i.      As soon as you have tentative dates when planning collaboration meetings PLEASE let Stephanie know at least a month in advance - the earlier the better!

1.      This is to ensure you have a room reserved, registration page set up, etc.

b.      Senior Staff Meeting

                                                              i.      Property validation - Physics 97% trained, 42% validation

1.      Complete....due by end of month!

                                                            ii.      Storage renewal (facilities spaces, long term, not ours) needs annual, 73 items not yet renewed

                                                          iii.      HR

1.      Open enrollment underway

2.      Anthem insurance....removed some prescription drugs to keep costs down

a.       Generics suggested can request an exception.....read email CAREFULLY if you need these

                                                          iv.      4/1 Total time reporting starts!

1.      AWS starts next week (AD approval needed)

2.      Flex Schedule form (line management approval needed)

3.      5 page tool kit online next week

                                                            v.      Budget

1.      2/6 submitted to DOE

a.       Request came to include JLEIC

2.      Robin Wines

a.       Prex/Crex

                                                              i.      We received bids on concrete shielding and concrete supports (56% higher than expected, due to schedule constraints, still investigating cost reduction).

                                                            ii.      Q1 collimator in procurement, target chamber legs in procurement, rotating device for sieves awarded

                                                          iii.      Waiting on bellows price to order

                                                          iv.      Having meeting today with alignment to talk through install plan

                                                            v.      Remaining vacuum parts due for delivery this week

b.      SBS-tower extension ready for delivery- need to find storage area or delay delivery until Hall open

                                                              i.      continue working on CDet

                                                            ii.      started GEn-RP experiment layout

                                                          iii.      preparing beamline shielding hardware drawing packages

                                                          iv.      revising BB electronics frame drawings

                                                            v.      MOLLER- revising experiment beamline components with Jay

3.      Jessie Butler

a.       COMPLETED the APEX installation

b.      Completed the final hall cleanup

c.       Worked with Safety Systems Group to fix issues with target FSD and to move the target ion chamber

d.      Final leak check on vacuum system per Silviu reqquest to get the vacuum better in the chamber

                                                              i.      We were unsuccessful but was told that the vacuum was good enough to start the run

                                                            ii.      For a better vacuum we will likely need a few days to troubleshoot the entire system

e.       Worked with Jack on troubleshooting the APEX septum power supply

f.        Conducted counting house refresher with Run Coordinators

g.      Completed pre-beam checklist

4.      Jack Segal

a.       APEX Corrector Magnet work

                                                              i.      Replaced 6AWG jumpers on 3/0 power cables and reconnected to corrector magnet. (upstream only, downstread still 6AWG)

                                                            ii.      Modification of electrical guards to accommodate new leads.

                                                          iii.      Attachment of thermistors to power lead flags: removed kapton tape and installed using alligator clips.

                                                          iv.      Thermistor still wrapped in kapton, jaws of alligator clips insulated with shrink tubing.

                                                            v.      Magnet On Signs for APEX Magnet (task from end of last week)

                                                          vi.      Cable run to power supply, testing. Installation complete. (from 1/22)

b.      APEX Power Supply - jumper reconfiguration

                                                              i.      Reconfiguration of power supply jumpers to avoid abrasion against mounting rails.

c.       APEX Sci Fi Detector

                                                              i.      Fabrication of copper clad patch panel for grounding to eliminate noise on signal channels.

                                                            ii.      Installed and re-cabled. Upcoming project: Rebuild all HCAL patch panels using copper sheet for grounding and replace plastic isolated BNC feedthrus with all metal type. May possibly get panels fabricated as unpainted aluminum to avoid the need to addition of copper sheet.

d.      Hall A Gas Shed

                                                              i.      Compressor repair completed by facilities this week, found loose and arcing fuse holder and also leak in compressor unloader valve (box) causing longer recharge time

                                                            ii.      Received pneumatic valves for gas system controller boxes. Ordered (4) pin connectors and pins to prepare valves in sets of (2) for drop in replacement if needed.

5.      Run Coordinator Report - Sanghwa Park

Stephanie Tysor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Physics Division
Hall A Administrative Assistant
(office)757-269-6005<callto:757-269-6005> (fax)757-269-5235<callto:757-269-5235>

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