[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: March 19, 2019

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu May 2 15:53:43 EDT 2019

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: March 19, 2019

1.      Thia Keppel

a.       March 29 paycheck should reflect salary increases

                                                              i.      Letters are out!

b.      Total time reporting training next week!

c.       Property and key audit finalized

d.      Site access for foreign nationals - see email from Stuart

                                                              i.      Let us know if your collaborators have issues

e.       Accelerator gradient down, next year's numbers may be:

                                                              i.      11.5 in D, 10.5 in A,B,C possible/likely

                                                            ii.      C100 issues, C75 M15 work ongoing

                                                          iii.      Some casualties: J/Psi in B, FOM in D, worries for A1n, BONUS

                                                          iv.      Arne is leaving the lab 4/30 to work @ DOE, Scientific Advisor to the Isotope Program

f.        Yesterday detailed President's budget out

                                                              i.      Don't worry about 16% science cut (didn't get this as ONP guidance)

                                                            ii.      Within the Office of Science, Computing did best and NP second (9%), positive text and better than last year

                                                          iii.      Also CEBAF Center expansion/renovation start mentioned

                                                          iv.      EIC language (for accelerator R & D)

                                                            v.      3 new MIE's: isotope harvesting @ FR1B, ton scale neutrinoless double beta decay, MOLLER

g.      MOLLER review 4/24 - 4/26

h.      Power outage Saturday in EEL & CEBAF center 8am  - all day

                                                              i.      Computer Center up

i.        Cryo sent preliminary ESRII drawings around informally

j.        Drew will come by to give tech transfer talks @ Hall meetings for review

2.      Jessie Butler

a.       Continue to support the APEX experiment

b.      Continue working on fabricating LCW line for PREX septum and hard lines for Q1s

c.       Working on final preps for the start of PREX installation by inventorying all the parts and hardware needed for the installation

d.      Picked up the down stream flange and collimator housing from Machine Shop

e.       Took delivery of concrete anchors, QA and then shipped to vendor that's making the dump and sky shine shielding for PREX

f.        Received shielding support weldment for SBS GEP setup

g.      Supported some SBS work by unstacking some wire baskets in ESB so they can inventory cables and equipment

h.      With Jack came in over the weekend because the LQ1 power supply went down; troubleshooting still in progress

i.        Starting tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9am hall will be open for installation start

3.      Whit Seay

a.        SBS

                                                              i.      Continue on GEn-RP experiment design

                                                            ii.      Continue on Cdet

b.      PREX/CREX

                                                              i.      Continue on target and preparation for experiment install

c.       MOLLER

                                                              i.      Preparation for Director's Review

Stephanie Tysor
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Physics Division
Hall A Administrative Assistant
(office)757-269-6005<callto:757-269-6005> (fax)757-269-5235<callto:757-269-5235>

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